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Crypt and Gate

Crypt and Gate is a 2D action platformer intended for PC where players must travel back from the land of the dead by killing enemies that stand in their way.

Genre: 2D Action Platformer
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 8
Duration: 6 weeks
Platform: PC

Role(s) and Responsibilities


   Game Design

  • Created combat mechanics for the player and enemies.

  • Created animations in-engine using the sprite sheets provided by the artists.

  • Came up with enemy and character designs in collaboration with artists.


   System Design & Scripting

  • Designed and scripted enemy AI for find, chase and attack.

  • Designed and scripted combo system for player combat.

  • Created a gold drop and collect system.

  • Created an inventory system for power ups and heals.


Design Notes

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